跟媽媽逛九份老街和野柳Jiufen Old Street and Yehliu Geo ...




分類名稱, 中文, 英文. 萬里區, 野柳里, Yehliu Village (威妥瑪拼音). 萬里區, 野柳地質公園, Yehliu Geo-Park (威妥瑪拼音). 三芝區, 淺水灣, Qianshui Bay.

台北--野柳IBA(Yeliu IBA), New Taipei City, Taiwan

台北--野柳IBA(Yeliu IBA). New Taipei City · Taiwan · Directions Map. Region Stats. 363 Species 5532 Checklists 673 eBirders. Hotspot navigation ...

Yehliu Geopark (野柳地質公園)

One of the premier destinations in northern Taiwan, Yehliu Geopark is home to a number of unique geological formations including the iconic Queen's Head.

Yehliu Geopark, a headland with exotic rocks 野柳地質公園

Yehliu Geopark, a headland with exotic rocks / 野柳地質公園- 奇岩岬角 ... Some say, the name Yehliu originated from the transliteration of an aboriginal place.


野柳地質公園: Yehliu Geo-Park (威妥瑪拼音): Yeliou Geo-Park. 野柳海洋世界: Yehliu Ocean World (威妥瑪拼音): Yeliou Ocean World. 野柳神明淨港 ...

Yehliu Geopark

Yehliu is located in the subtropics zone with a temperate and humid climate. Each year, the place is under the influences of Northeast monsoon and wave erosion.


Yehliu Geopark is famous for its sea-erosion landscape, while most of the spots are very close to the sea, tourists are advised to observe the tour guide ...


分類名稱,中文,英文.萬里區,野柳里,YehliuVillage(威妥瑪拼音).萬里區,野柳地質公園,YehliuGeo-Park(威妥瑪拼音).三芝區,淺水灣,QianshuiBay.,台北--野柳IBA(YeliuIBA).NewTaipeiCity·Taiwan·DirectionsMap.RegionStats.363Species5532Checklists673eBirders.Hotspotnavigation ...,OneofthepremierdestinationsinnorthernTaiwan,YehliuGeoparkishometoanumberofuniquegeologicalformationsincludingtheiconicQueen'sHead.,Yeh...


